Sunday, April 26, 2009

research and final

Untitled from Patrick Anderson on Vimeo.

this isnt really how i hoped this would turn out.
dont hate.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

last class was good. talked about limiting internet and other such fun things. got caught up in some other things though.     and on to quantum theory. ive decided to not make a decision at all and  there fore my project being everything. my decision to nt make a decision though was my decision. you follow? so in essence i made a decision to possibly fail. or succeed in any way you look at it. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009


of what the bleep. decent film beth loaned it to my a while back. not a huge fan but i am a lover of film so i definatly appreciate it. there was alot of interviews with "important people and alot of media inspired things. from what i can remember it made me feel or described the universe as basically being a being. just that. everything happens for a reason sort of shit. idk.  everything effects everything stuff.

Monday, March 30, 2009


maryellen birthday from Patrick Anderson on Vimeo.

birthday video.

i didnt have any text because if the text wasnt perfect she would kill me. and i want her to be happy on her birthday. happy birthday!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


not sure if this is that great. might be fun though..
email me if you need the key.

Monday, March 23, 2009

my word.

i did this all on paper first. didnt have internet until now. sorry.

word: junked

following day. page taped to mirror. its pretty thrashed. but such a good magazine.

okay so the first day i was pretty stoked on this and tryed to think of my work alot but ended up forgetting until i actually said it when i was working with my dad. then i thought of it. haha because what we were working on was junked. and my car because i tried to fix something that wasnt really wrong and just made it worse so yeah. JUNKED!

the second dy i was sick and couldnt give two shits about anything so i slept all day. and yesterday i  though of it when i saw a really ugly girl walking and said to my friend paul "man shes junked" then went on to explain why i was using that word and why i was so mean about it haha.

i think my best idea is definatly the working on the car thing becaue no matter how much effort you put into something it will alwyas win and kill you back haha.  i think the best idea i had with the word is to go to the junkyard and get some cool shit. yeah thats it. since i just got the internet i couldnt email you for the last ste so i tried today. guess we will see what happens.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Republic..

i thought this story/argument was a pretty easy read considering my attention span is of a 4 year old.. i like that it was basically all in a form of an argument. and i really loved basically the first scene where they were very descriptive about the chains and shadows and fire, but werent overly descriptive..  anyway. i thin  this was basically about morals more than anything. right/wrong etc... but i guess some of the imagery i saw was life being shakled down but what is concieved to be right. im not too sure but yeah. MORALS!

Monday, February 23, 2009


 first off this was by far the best assignment ever. i did do one thing that was really awesome. went to my friends jim's shop in bloomington and worked on cars all day. it was great and im so happy you made this assignment. you are right when you say people dont take time out to do anything for theselves anymore and im glad i got to see that, that way i can start taking out time for myself everyday. great assignment..! JIMS WAS AWESOME!

Monday, February 16, 2009

my bag and i

to be completely honest ive been in a shitty mood and feeling like said mood for the past week just getting iver it. im still pretty sick though. my bag was in my pocket from the time i left school all the way to my car then to my apartment until i threw it away. but i guess technically that isnt the end because i took out the trash yesterday. so the bag was probably crying because it had shity food and dr pepper all over it. idk though. im sick. but i bloggged!!!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

and about the people who freaked out last week..

this si for the people in the class after ours. dont be bitches..

we dont even need to make it up to them they shoudl have approached us and asked us about it if they had a problem with it. i wasnt here that day but i heard about what happened and thats fucked up joe said someone yelled at him or something. why couldn't they just ask and if they needed to know why the class had a circle of desk they should have asked or at least asked us to move them back for them the next time. screw them if theya re going to be asshole we can do better than them. i say we flip all the desks over on their tops next time and see how they take it. when people are polite it pays off. pay it forward for instance. fuck them.


so i went 3 hours yesterday with a blindfold on.
it was horrible. i started off walking around really slow
with my hands out in front of me for like the first half
hour. then after a while i felt like i kind of just knew where everything was.
a wasnt really reaching in front of myself to make sure i wouldnt run into things.
instead i was just going for it to see what happened. about an hour past and i was pissed because i couldnt watch tv or get on the internet but it did seem like my hearing was getting better which i was suprized about. this went on for about 70 more minute of me just walking around and listening to jen watch the TV. then i decided to try to make a sandwich. NO! ha i failed. i got it eventually but i think im ust dumb. i had pictures too but im stupid again and accidentally erased the memory card and all the coding information on it. oh well i guess.

a 6th sense... hmm.. i thought about this maybe if you could look at an object and be able to know the exact dementions and or the length of something. i could see this being a huge help. idk just an idea.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

class was very interesting yesterday. not a single person saw me, or talked to me. can you gys figure it out. i think we should definatly do something nice for the class following ours.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

what if...

- jim and pam break up
- michael then quits his job
- everyone in the office is now out of work
- dwights beet farm floods
- mose drowns in the flood
- angela becomes the anti christ
- andy loses his voice
- jim becomes depressed
- pam becomes depressed
- phillis loses weight because of the stress
- oscar turns out to be straight the whole time
- creed is secretly someone from corpoate sent to spy on everyone
- meredith get syphilis, herpes and warts
- toby kills himself
- all of these things happen and the show is ruined
- i just keep asking things that dont matter at all
- this is the last season
- i get depressed and cant go on because of the show
- tv takes over my life
- i make my own copy of the show and end it how i would want
- rabbits could talk
- i robbed a bank and got away with it
- i stopped drinking
- my egg project is some great success and makes me alot of money
- i didnt have such great friends 
- i shot someone and they didnt die
- i die alone
- i die with everyone around me
- i get my car into PVW
- i get out of debt by the end of the year
- the cardinls would have won
- i punch the annoying kid in class
- i dont come to class tomorrow, (because im not)
- i dont get a good enough job to support my severe drug habits and have to be homeless and sober. (lose lose)
- 2pac isnt dead
- notorious BIG isnt dead
- BIG kill 2pac again and biggie lives on
- i sell everything i own and just go out and live "off the grid"
- i am imagining my whole existance
- everything i know is just what im making up in my head because im in a coma
- the counrty fails in the next 5 years
- the country doesnt
- god is real and we are all fucked
- some coke head wrote the bible and tricked alot of people
- i fail out of college and have a more successful career than half the people i go to school with
- we are a superior beings fuck up and we were all just left to die but we thrived and pissed them off so they made god to scare us and moron people embraced it and made him/her more mad then sent george bush to ruin us and he was too dumb to do that
- pencils never dulled
- my bike haddent fallen off my roof rack
- my egg project (youre idea)
-my eggg proect (youre idea)
- my egg project (youre idea)
- my egg project (youre idea)



Monday, January 26, 2009

class today

class was interesting today one kid wouldnt stop talking and i wanted to make him see sideways. i currently dont have the internet at home and im just kinda ruching this through making sure i kinda get the points i can for the blog about class today. i thought it was a fun class we all probably just need to open up a bit more. i liek joe's project because its about beer. mmm. idk just been a super hectic weeek so mymind was elsewhere.

Egg termpera paint

i made egg tempera paint with my egg. chalk, egg yolk, water. really easy. it was kinda hard to match colors but not too bad. try it out. pics to post soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

well this is for seeing sidwways..

this should be an interesting class..