- jim and pam break up
- michael then quits his job
- everyone in the office is now out of work
- dwights beet farm floods
- mose drowns in the flood
- angela becomes the anti christ
- andy loses his voice
- jim becomes depressed
- pam becomes depressed
- phillis loses weight because of the stress
- oscar turns out to be straight the whole time
- creed is secretly someone from corpoate sent to spy on everyone
- meredith get syphilis, herpes and warts
- toby kills himself
- all of these things happen and the show is ruined
- i just keep asking things that dont matter at all
- this is the last season
- i get depressed and cant go on because of the show
- tv takes over my life
- i make my own copy of the show and end it how i would want
- rabbits could talk
- i robbed a bank and got away with it
- i stopped drinking
- my egg project is some great success and makes me alot of money
- i didnt have such great friends
- i shot someone and they didnt die
- i die alone
- i die with everyone around me
- i get my car into PVW
- i get out of debt by the end of the year
- the cardinls would have won
- i punch the annoying kid in class
- i dont come to class tomorrow, (because im not)
- i dont get a good enough job to support my severe drug habits and have to be homeless and sober. (lose lose)
- 2pac isnt dead
- notorious BIG isnt dead
- BIG kill 2pac again and biggie lives on
- i sell everything i own and just go out and live "off the grid"
- i am imagining my whole existance
- everything i know is just what im making up in my head because im in a coma
- the counrty fails in the next 5 years
- the country doesnt
- god is real and we are all fucked
- some coke head wrote the bible and tricked alot of people
- i fail out of college and have a more successful career than half the people i go to school with
- we are a superior beings fuck up and we were all just left to die but we thrived and pissed them off so they made god to scare us and moron people embraced it and made him/her more mad then sent george bush to ruin us and he was too dumb to do that
- pencils never dulled
- my bike haddent fallen off my roof rack
- my egg project (youre idea)
-my eggg proect (youre idea)
- my egg project (youre idea)
- my egg project (youre idea)