i did this all on paper first. didnt have internet until now. sorry.
word: junked
following day. page taped to mirror. its pretty thrashed. but such a good magazine.
okay so the first day i was pretty stoked on this and tryed to think of my work alot but ended up forgetting until i actually said it when i was working with my dad. then i thought of it. haha because what we were working on was junked. and my car because i tried to fix something that wasnt really wrong and just made it worse so yeah. JUNKED!
the second dy i was sick and couldnt give two shits about anything so i slept all day. and yesterday i though of it when i saw a really ugly girl walking and said to my friend paul "man shes junked" then went on to explain why i was using that word and why i was so mean about it haha.
i think my best idea is definatly the working on the car thing becaue no matter how much effort you put into something it will alwyas win and kill you back haha. i think the best idea i had with the word is to go to the junkyard and get some cool shit. yeah thats it. since i just got the internet i couldnt email you for the last ste so i tried today. guess we will see what happens.